Stuck in an unhappy/anxious place at work? (How to Not Get Overwhelmed at Work)
Do you ever find that when you have a spare moment you just stare out in space wondering why things don't seem the way they should be and that even though everything is OK, you somehow feel the need to be doing more than what you're doing? Do you feel that you are not quite good enough & others seem to be getting promotions and earning more than you? If so, this leads you to thoughts about the future and rather than creating visualizations of success, you begin to create stories of sabotage; in essence you decorate your thoughts & goals with “potholes’ and then you worry about these self created negative visualizations.
An important thing to remember is that we are not our thoughts. Thoughts, although real (but not true), can have unseen power over our lives, and when we decorate our thoughts with a story, we then have a hard time letting them go and we get stuck in fear & anxiety. In turn, this can lead to imposter syndrome: where your inner critic becomes the lens through which you see life.
Over time you being to relate to others, yourself, and the events that happen in your life from your smaller self. You begin to see life through this jaded lens that is driven by your narrative.
Join me now on a journey of exploration of thoughts to access the freedom that awaits you when you mindfully observe how you associate to your thoughts & the narrative you weave.