Do You Take Work Home With You?

Are you having trouble taking work home with you? Maybe you’re trying to drive the same efficiencies at home that seem to be successful in delivering results at work or, perhaps your level of intensity fails to subside after a busy day of focused productivity. If you can relate, you know this isn’t ideal; the same metrics that deliver the goods in the office, don’t work at home.

Although our work and social life are both filled with unexpected events and in turn can trigger similar reactivity, there are typically more formal rules in place at work and more vulnerability is required in our personal/social lives. Due to that distinction it’s imperative that the lines aren’t blurred as each environment calls for a tailored approach to be happy, successful, and have a positive work/life balance.

Join me on a journey of exploration of thoughts and the freedom that awaits you when you mindfully observe how you identify with your thoughts & the narrative you weave.